
Ernie - No Surprises.

Ernie is your energy savings and monitoring partner working hard behind the scenes.
Ernie uncovers energy use as you go, which means no surprises at the end of the month.

Get Ernie

What's an Ernie?

Ernie is a device that talks to your electrical meter. We've developed a solution that translates near real-time energy use into projected use for the month. Know by the minute your energy spend and see the effects of your energy saving measures.

How Ernie Works

Ernie talks to your meter and serves up actionable information about your energy use. You can elect to receive notifications via email and/or text. Coming soon is a user dashboard with even more insight into your personal energy history.

Try Ernie

The Ernie device is still in development. We're looking for more users to try out the alpha verson. Send us a note if you'd like to help us test the device and start gaining more insight into your energy.


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